Hi there.i know i promised that my next blogging will be about night stands or whatever i was thinking at that time.After observing and experiencing some of this world's unfairness and cruelty,i decided to write about a different issue.I grew up in a small village in a small country in southern Africa and when young i was oblivious to any differences in humanity.I was truely innocent to the ways of this world.I did not know that things like racism existed in the world or if there were any people of a different skin color besides mine and i must admit,the first time i saw a white person i was so scared,i screamed and went to my mom crying..LOL,its funny when i think about it now.I was about seven years then and since that time i've come a long way to realising that not all people in the world have the same skin color as me.
School introduced me to many things i did not know.I first learnt about racism in primary school when we were taught about the apartheid of South Africa and i remember being sad and i could not understand why people would kill each other over skin color.As i grew up,i learnt that even in the small country of Botswana there were things like tribalism,for example,many tribes thinking that they are above and all better than the Basarwa tribe and i must admit,this is still evident.school also introduced me to religion.I was raised up as a christian even though my mom is not much of a believer.When i got to school i learnt that there are things like islam,sikhism and judaism.it is then that i learnt about Hitler and the jew massacre in europe.i was young then,i simply could not understand why people would hate other people so much to the point of killing..whom am i kidding,i still cannot comprehend this issue!!.as i grew up,i started noticing these differences.I did not grow up in a well to do family and my mom struggled to support and send me and my siblings to school.In the village,i noticed that there was a different treatment between wealthy families and poor families by the society.The rich kids will show off and laugh and make jokes at the not so well off kids.I learnt that you cannot marry from a certain family because your family is poor.I developed jealousy and resentment towards the kids from wealthier families.I was in juniour school when my eyes were open to the society's unfair treatment of people,it is there that i realised that boys were treated differently from girls.There were those people classified as beautiful and others as so not and their treatment was different too.It was there that my eyes were opened to the world's stereotypes.
Despite all these stereotypes i observed in a small village society,i was not prepared for my first descrimination based on my skin color.I decided to do my degree overseas in Malaysia.I remember when we first arrived in Malaysia,at the airpot.hehehe,its very funny when i think about it now.I remember seeing shocked people,whispering and pointing our direction as if seeing us for the first time.others calling other to come and see the 'negro.'I felt like we were being showcased at a museum or some art gallery.Not to blame them,i had my cultural shock too!..but yeah,i knew i was coming to a country with people of different skin color and i wasn't so shocked to see their skin pigment.I remember one day cringing as i walking on the street and a very small kid passed by and called me a negro.i wonderered,do their parents teach them to call black people that?!..In class,the chinese and indian and malay kids did not want to be in a group with black kids,landlords refused to rent us their houses because we were 'african'.In the subway,people will look at you like you are an alien,and i always see some whispering and pointing your way then laughing..well,it hurt at first seeing how different and uncool a black person was being treated in malaysia but i got used to it.
Yeah,i am black and i sometimes experience racism but i think i've suffered a small ordeal compared to those african taken for slavery and the convinience of the whites in America or those jews who were killed because of their religion or whatever the reason for killing them.I've watched the documentaries and movies which percieved those times of slavery and racism in America.I've watched the movies of the war and massacre of the jews and watching and hearing and reading about these things can make a human resent other human beings for what they did,for what they are doing.Yes,the world have moved a long way from such things,discouraging racism,sexism,descrimination based on sexuality or religion and many other more stereotypes but do you think its gonna end?...i do not think so.Many have heard or read of the America's september 11th.A very sad and tragic story all stirred by hatred and the evil human mind.Since then the muslim society have been percieved as terrorism society by many.Do you think its fair for a person to be called a terrorist just because he/she is a muslim.No,its not.World war might have ended centuries ago but the world is still very much at war.The human race is at war with each other.I've recently watched a video which was said to have been leaked by wikileaks( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=is9sxRfU-ik&has_verified=1 ) and its so sad to see a human being shooting at another human being like that with no remorse.I've always wondered what americans were doing in iraq.some say to instill democracy,some say they are there for iraq's oil.If its for the oil,this would be a true example of greediness by the americans.We've seen people fighting for change in their countries recently,saying no to the greedy presidents in power in some african countries.many lives were lost because of greediness.I do not see this ending,greediness,stereotypes,unfair world.The human race is the most evil race in this world.People have no mercy,no tolerance,they like to judge and are greedy!I can go on forever writting about the evil and greediness and unfairness,the murderers,rapists,pedophiles,the sociopaths,hypocrites and gory doings of this world forever but i'm no writer so i'm just gonna stop here.thats just my opinion....some people may disagree with what i'm saying or find what i wrote biased.please feel free to comment.
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